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Wacky thoughts tend to make us do wacky things. Who knows how those thoughts or beliefs got inside our heads. Maybe they made sense as a child, but now, for whatever reason, they no longer work for you as an adult. This is especially dangerous when it is a thought or belief we don't know we have. You end up acting wacky and are unaware of it.

If you're having trouble in life right now, it could be that stressful situations or events in your environment are coming at you like unpredictable asteroids from space. Even though we have the ability to make choices, we can't be responsible for everything that happens in life, because we can't anticipate everything that's out there. Neither can we be a victim all the time, because we do have a lot of control over our friends, family, and our choices. Frankly, most of the time, it is our behavior that is responsible for what happens to us. Not always. Just most of the time. Our behavior is primarily a function of how we view the world. We react to the world based on beliefs that we formed way back in childhood. We also inherit a bunch of behavior from our parents. Chances are, if things have been going wrong a lot, you've got a view of the world that doesn't match the way the world really is. In other words, some thoughts are bouncing around in your head that shouldn't be there.

For example: What would happen if you lived in the Alps, but believed the climate was hot and dry? Your belief would cause you to dress in light clothing and you'd freeze to death. What would happen if you believed the inside of the lions cage at the zoo was a very safe place to eat lunch? Our behavior is based on our genetic traits and what we believe about the situation or environment. When you clean house - sweep away beliefs that don't work - get rid of beliefs that are lies, our brain (which is a meaning-making machine) will create a new belief or accept another belief that may work better. Once you start cleaning house, searching for the wacky beliefs bouncing around in your head, the process will never cease. You'll replace wacky beliefs with new ones and - because behaviors are based on these beliefs - your life will inevitably change. How do we notice wacky beliefs? Generally by noticing and examining our behavior. Once you start asking yourself, "Why did I just do that?" or "Why did I just say that?" you're on your way to changing your life.

HypnoCasts are like little audio/visual robots that you insert into your mind in a matter of one or two minutes. They go to work without effort. It's like uploading a program that searches out faulty beliefs and brings them to your attention. They are fast and easy. They can be available to you on any mobile device you own, any time of the day or night, anywhere you go. They have been produced to be amazingly inexpensive so that everyone can have the opportunity to use them.

HypnoCast titles include: Mental House Cleaning, Weightloss, Relationships, Money, Health, Creativity, Learning, Anxiety, Anger, and Redefining Happiness.

New HypnoCast titles are available on Amazon and cost $2.99 each. New titles will appear in the near future, but much shorter in length. These are not traditional hypnosis recordings that have been around since the phonograph. They contain both audio suggestions and visual cortex fixation components designed for optimum delivery potential. If you're wondering whether they will be right for you, simply re-read the second paragraph above. If you agree with what's there, you will benefit from HypnoCasts.



BONUS: (from a lecture by Dr. Goodman about weightloss)

We're flooded with information about nutrition more today than at any other time in history, so people know what they should be eating. That's not the problem. The problem has to do with the amount of food eaten. It's physics, folks. People who are overweight are eating not because their body needs food, but to appease emotional states such as frustration, anger, anxiety, boredom, and to quench needs for social interaction, sex, and affection. It's as simple as that. You're not trapped. It's not a big problem. You're plenty capable of being fit, and it doesn't take much sacrifice to get there. It just takes changing the way you think of food. After that, everything happens automatically.

The fact is, food does distract us from our emotional needs briefly and fools our body into believing that food actually solves our emotional needs. It fools the primal limbic portion of our brain, which isn't too bright, into believing we've found a cure. That's when we become conditioned, yes like Pavlov's dogs, into going for food to solve emotional issues.

Food is not a cure, however. It is known as a pseudo satisfier, a term used in economics. Eating distracts from emotional issues momentarily, but that distraction wears off quickly, leaving you with a worse problem, because now you're also overweight. When we're overweight we have even more negative emotions, so we stuff more food down our face - and the problems escalate. There are a lot of pseudo satisfiers in life. They work for a moment so - trick us into thinking they're a cure, then compound our problems because of their side effects. Alcohol works this way. Hallucinagens too. In reality, they cure nothing, and can cause devastation. Food, like alcohol, or other drugs, is a form of self-medication for a lot of people. The problem is, the side effects from this self-medicating are far worse than the emotional issues they were meant to appease. Emotions are real. It's okay to talk about them. They are like the weather. Just because emotions come and go, doesn't mean they aren't real. But emotions are a lot less scary if you just share them with others. Maybe they are caused by some wacky beliefs you have. Maybe those beliefs aren't true. You won't know until you take the belief out of your head and closely examine it.

Food is to fuel your body. Food is for the taste, not quantity. It cannot satisfy social interaction, sex, and affection needs.

We're hunter/gatherers (we haven't evolved as fast as our technology) and even though we don't have to hunt and gather any more, we're still evolutionarily designed to cover about 20 miles a day looking for food. Most of us don't come anywhere close to being that active and have far too much time on our hands sitting around thinking. Thinking too much tends to make us unhappy. Of course not thinking isn't good either.


Emotions come and go, but symbolic mental images can last a lifetime. Symbolic images are anything you choose that help to remind you of some pseudo satisfier that is lying to you. It's that simple. If it seems too simple, you're doing it right.

This is what we know for sure: 1. Extreme physical activity everyday will make you lose weight. 2. Reducing your caloric intake will make you lose weight. If you don't have the time or ability for the extreme physical activity, reducing the caloric intake is the answer. In other words...if you don't move much, you don't need much. When you eat to appease emotional states you're stuffing food into a body that has no way to burn it. So it stores it and you get fat.

Further notes: Do not deny yourself. Eating the perfect amount should not be a sacrifice. Eat exactly what you want, but don't eat so much. It's okay to throw away food. Also, you might as well throw the word "diet" out of your vocabulary too. We're so flooded with the word diet in all forms of media that it no longer has many positive associations. It should mean eating right and eating well. It should mean not starving yourself or completely denying yourself the type of foods you like. If you sacrifice to lose weight, you'll eventually reward yourself for all that sacrifice by pigging out. That will re-convince your not-too-bright limbic brain that food cures your emotions, which is does not. Food is fuel. It's taste. It's healthy.

Each HypnoCast is and educational organization aimed at moving people toward happy healthy lives. Happiness is not about being happy. It's about being engaged in life activities. Some of the happiest people won't tell you they're happy. They're just engaged. Challenged by the things they do in daily life, simple things. All drawings on this page are by Dr. Gordon Goodman

Stay Tuned....


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